Topic : Saxual reproduction of plant
Lesson objective : At the end of the lesson, learne rs should be able:
1. To understand and explain about Saxual reproduction of plant.
2. To describe the process about Saxual reproduction of plant.
Activity : 1.Introduce the topic by seeing the video about the flowers.
2. Ask the learners about components of flower.
3. Get the learners in to 7 groups.
4. Hand out the worksheet "components of flower.
5. Ask them to study the worksheet.
6. Students doing the worksheet.
7. Debate with the learners about components of flower.
8. Hand out the handuot "process Saxual reproduction of plant"
9. The leartners study the handout.
10.The learners draw mindmap "Saxual reproduction of plant"
Worksheet1 :
Companents of flower
Explanation :
1. Keep the Hibiscus flower
2. Study the flower then draw the picture of flower and point components of it on the paper.
Handout :
Saxual reproduction of plant
Living things need food to survive. Life on the reproductive maturation. To the maintenance of their own species. Plant reproduction in plants is the same as sexual reproduction and asexual.
1. Calyx (Sepal) The flower petals are usually green with a band called Calyx.
2. Petal (Petal) cone flowers have glands that produce the nectar of flowers or Ngmtgai Corolla petals that have a color pigment is.
Anthocyanin-soluble blue-violet Sap Vacuole.
Anthoxanthin white soluble Sap Vacuole.
Carotenoid dissolution in yellow, orange, red display Chromoplast.
3. Stamens (Stamen) a lift shaft stamens (Filament) on top of the bag, 4 bags of pollen Pollen (Pollen grain), the Male Gametophyte plants have evolved a number of stamens is usually high. Flowers are very traditional.
4. Pistillate (Carpel) stem holds the pistillate (Style) and a pistillate (Stigma) have sticky pollen, the female share of the Ovary in the Ovule 1 or more in Ovule a bag of embryos, a Female. Gametophyte.
3. Stamens (Stamen) a lift shaft stamens (Filament) on top of the bag, 4 bags of pollen Pollen (Pollen grain), the Male Gametophyte plants have evolved a number of stamens is usually high. Flowers are very traditional.
4. Pistillate (Carpel) stem holds the pistillate (Style) and a pistillate (Stigma) have sticky pollen, the female share of the Ovary in the Ovule 1 or more in Ovule a bag of embryos, a Female. Gametophyte.
process Saxual reproduction of plant
1. pollination , The phenomenon of pollination, pollen is blown onto the female stigma of the flower of the same type. The pollination occurs when pollen grains mature. Anthers and pollen will be spread by wind, water, insects are particularly important in the pollination of flowering plants. And on the female stigma (Stigma) of the plant will have a sticky. With sugar. This helps to trap pollen.There are two types of pollination. - Self pollination,. Flowers in the same or different (Self Pollination) for pollination, this generation will have inherited the same properties. The varieties are bred to inherit it. - Cross pollinatopn , different flowers, each a little different
from the plant (Cross Pollination) is a cross-pollination of flowers. Or different from each other. I will plant a different variety, and new plantings may be up. 2. Fertilization The fertilization process, sperm nucleus with the nucleus of an egg cell. The sperm nucleus from another cell with the polar nuclei. This is called fertilization, fertilization, stacking (Double Fertilization). Can
be seen that the fertilization of flowering plants occur two times
during the egg with the sperm nucleus and the sperm nucleus and one
polar nucleus is fertilized double (Double Fertilization) after
fertilization, then Auburn. Wollongong each civilization will change to a seed (Seed) to identify the sperm cell is a tissue storage of food.
Assessment/Evaluation :
1. Observe learners performance and behaviors : in group working during activities.
2. Work tasks assessment : A picture of components of flower, Mind map of Saxual reproduction of plant .
worksheet1 :